--- swagger: "2.0" info: title: PAYM-PYE-D-SchedulePayment description: ' API for Schedule Credit Card Payment with external Accounts. This API is private, post-login and entry point.' version: 1.0.2 x-ibm-name: paym-pye-d-schedulepayment host: schemes: - https basePath: /api produces: - application/json paths: /v1/payments/schedule: post: summary: Schedule a Credit Card payment with external account description: This API is used to Schedule a Credit Card Payment with an External Account tags: - SchedulePayment operationId: SchedulePayment parameters: - name: Accept in: header description: Content-Types that are acceptable for the response type: string required: true - name: Accept-Language in: header description: List of acceptable human languages for response type: string required: false - name: Authorization in: header description: The Authorization Token recieved during login type: string required: true - name: client_id in: header default: 29738e5a-fbbf-4b55-981d-d2f3d2a60605 description: Client ID generated during application registration required: true type: string - name: Content-Type in: header description: Content-Types that are sent in the request required: true type: string - name: countryCode in: header description: Country code in 2 character ISO 3166 format required: true type: string - name: businesscode in: header required: true type: string description: Business code identified during application registration - name: ChannelId in: header required: true type: string description: Channel where request originated - name: sid in: header description: SessionId sent by Consumer required: false type: string - name: uuid in: header description: 128 bit UUID that you generate for every request type: string required: true - name: schedulePaymentRequest in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/schedulePaymentRequest' responses: 200: description: Successful operation. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/schedulePaymentResponse' 400: description:
errorinvalidCardCard not found or invalid
invalidinvalidRequestMissing or invalid Parameters
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 401: description:
errorunAuthorized Authorization credentials are missing or invalid
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' 500: description:
fatalserverUnavailableThe request failed due to an internal error
schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' definitions: schedulePaymentRequest: type: object properties: customerId: description: Customer ID is a key associated with a specific entity or person Citi does business or has some relationship with type: string example: "3399874442" customerName: description: Name of the customer type: string example: Hugo Martinez account: $ref: '#/definitions/account' required: - customerId - customerName account: type: object properties: accountAliasId: description: Clave Bancaria Estandarizada(CLABE) Id type: string example: "12345" accountNumber: description: Source Account Number. type: string example: "1234567890" paymentDetail: $ref: '#/definitions/paymentDetail' required: - accountNumber - paymentDetail paymentDetail: type: object properties: paymentAmount: description: The amount to pay. type: number format: double example: 35000 paymentDate: description: The payment date type: string example: "2017-03-31" required: - paymentAmount - paymentDate schedulePaymentResponse: type: object properties: notificationStatus: description: Indicates if notification was sent type: boolean example: true displayAccountAlias: description: Clave Bancaria Estandarizada(CLABE) enmascarada type: string example: "5213" bankId: description: Unique ID of the bank type: integer example: 9 bankName: description: Name of the bank type: string example: Banco Inbursa, SA payeeName: description: Nick name of the account as defined by the user type: string example: My CLABE Account accountInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/accountInformation' accountInformation: type: object properties: accountNumber: description: Account Number. type: string example: "1234567" paymentInformation: $ref: '#/definitions/paymentInformation' required: - accountNumber paymentInformation: type: object properties: paymentAmount: description: The amount to pay. type: number format: double example: 3500 paymentDate: description: The payment date type: string example: "2017-03-31" referenceNumber: description: The reference Number for this payment type: string example: "123456" required: - paymentAmount - paymentDate - referenceNumber - sourceAccountDetail ErrorResponse: properties: type: type: string description: Invalid - Request did not confirm to the specification and was unprocessed and rejected. Please fix the value and try again enum: - error - warn - invalid - fatal code: description: Error code which qualifies the error type: string details: description: Human readable explanation specific to the occurrence of the problem type: string location: description: The name of the field that resulted in the error type: string moreInfo: description: URI to human readable documentation of the error type: string required: - type - code x-ibm-configuration: enforced: true testable: true phase: realized securityDefinitions: OAuth2 Application Flow: type: oauth2 description: "" flow: application scopes: /api/v1: "" tokenUrl: https://sit.api.banamex.com/mx-gcgapi/sit/api/v1/oauth/token Client ID: type: apiKey description: "" in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Id security: - OAuth2 Application Flow: - /api/v1 Client ID: [] x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://sit.api.banamex.com/mx-gcgapi/sit description: Custom Gateway API Endpoint type: - production - development ...